Device 		Interface		Comments
RFA (Resident	linear or paged		"roll your own" disk, typically has flash
Flash Array)	memory mapped		mapped into the CPU's address space and
					soldered on board
DiskOnChip	memory mapped		http://www.m-sys.com
DIP		8/16-bit parallel	modular, requires only a chip select and
					standard memory read/write strobes
ATA PC Card	memory or I/O		http://www.pc-card.com
		mapped ATA		removable, requires socket and PCMCIA or ATA controller
Flash PC Card	memory mapped		http://www.pc-card.com
		8/16-bit parallel	removable, requires socket and PCMCIA controller
CF (Compact	memory or		http://www.compactflash.org
Flash Socket)	I/O mapped ATA		removable, requires socket and PCMCIA or ATA controller
IDE/SCSI				http://www.m-sys.com
1.3"		ATA			drop in replacement for standard hard disks
1.8"		ATA			requires IDE or SCSI controller and cables
2.5"		ATA/SCSI
3.5"		ATA/SCSI
SmartMedia	8-bit mixed data	http://www.pc-card.com
SSFDC		and address,		http://www.ssfdc.or.jp
Socket		sequential access	removable, requires socket and controller or 
					special interface hardware
SD		4-bit parallel,		http://www.sandisk.com
(Secure 	sequential		removable, requires socket and controller
Digital)	access			or special interface with hardware	
Memory Stick	1-bit serial		http://www.sony.com
					removable, requires socket and controller 				
					or special interface with hardware