How to Install RTAI on Axis ETRAX 100LX

There already exists a document describing in detail how to install the Developer Board LX Software. It can be found at You can also take a look at the Getting Started Guide if your bord is not up and running yet.

This document describes how to set up RTAI on ETRAX 100LX and the documents can therefore differ in som details, particularly the kernel version used. If you run into problems that relate to setting up the card or booting it, then you can consult the above document. But otherwise this one should be ok.


To be able to see the boot log of the board, you can connect a null modem cable to the bords second serial port. And use the sermon program in the tools directory described below. You can also use this connection to log on to the board if you for example have trouble setting up the network.

Install the compiler

You need to install the cris compiler tools. They can be found at and you only you need to download and install one of these packages. Which one depends on if your distribution of Linux is RPM based or DEB based. There is also a source package available for other systems. Use for example one of these files.

Install the software and compile a normal Linux kernel

Download the following files:

Do not try to run ./install, the script assumes that you have a 2.4.14 kernel which you do not have.

Perform the following steps, they will set up the directory structure in the correct way.

cd ~
tar xvzf devboard_lx-R2_1_0.tgz
cd axis/devboard_lx/os
tar xvzf linux-2.4.19.tar.gz
mv linux-2.4.19 linux
cd ~
tar xvzf linux.2.4.19-diff.tgz
cp linux-2_4_19.diff axis/devboard_lx
cp kernelconfig axis/devboard_lx/kernelconfig
cd axis/devboard_lx
cat linux-2_4_19.diff | patch -d os/linux -Np1
rm kernelconfig.latest
cp kernelconfig os/linux/.config

You have now set up everything you need to be able to compile your own Linux kernel and flash the board with it. If you want you can now configure your linux kernel in the normal way or use the default configuration. To compile the tools and kernel perform the following steps:

. ./init_env
make tools
make kernel
make cris-axis-linux-gnu
make install
make images

If everything is ok, you should now be able to flash the board with the new kernel. Remember to put your board in flash mode by pressing the reboot button while holding down the boot button. Look at this image if you are in doubt. A describtion of the network boot process can be found at


If everything goes well, you should be able to login to the board as user root with password pass. It can take a little while to flash the card, look at the serial line output to see what happens.

In the future when recompiling the kernel, you do not have to perform all of the above steps. It is sufficient if you do like this.

cd os/linux
make menuconfig
cd ..
cd ..
. ./init_env
make kernel
make images


The following instructions and more details can be found in README.CRIS in the root directory of RTAI.

Kernel config options to be able to work with RTAI

insmod, rmmod and lsmod

To be able to use insmod, rmmod and lsmod you have to enable them in the busybox package. This is done by editing the file axis/devboard_lx/apps/busybox/Config.h and uncomment the lines:
//#define BB_INSMOD
//#define BB_RMMOD
//#define BB_LSMOD
As always, you need to run make install in the root directory or prefarably in the busybox directory for the canges to take effect.

Related manuals from Axis

Getting Started Guide to AXIS Developer Board:
How to Install the Developer Board LX Software:
Description of how the mechanism for booting and flashing the board over ethernet works:
Axis developer documentation (ETRAX 100LX):

This document was written by Martin Andersson.
Last changed at February 17 2003.
If you feel that something on this page is not conforming with reality contact me at Martin