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3rd Embedded Linux Poll results: “. . . and the winner is . . .”

Feb 19, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views today announced the results of the third survey in its Embedded Linux Polls series. The survey's topic was: “Which Linux distribution(s) will you use?” The results, which represent data gathered from developers of a broad spectrum of Linux based embedded system applications, are available to view graphically at

Briefly, here's what was found:

  • Which Linux distribution(s) have you already used in an embedded application?

    23% of respondents indicated that they have not yet used Linux in an embedded application. Of those who have, the most widely used distribution has been Red Hat (17%), closely followed by Debian (13%), Caldera (8%), SuSE (7%), and a three-way tie among Slackware, Mandrake, and RTLinux. The only “non-standard” Linux distribution showing up within this top tier of past embedded Linux usage is RTLinux.

  • Which Linux distribution(s) are you most likely to use in your next embedded project?

    Here, we see growing market share for embedded and real-time Linux distributions. Grouped by “standard” and “embedded” distributions, the results are: the top three “embedded” distributions are Lineo Embedix (13%), PROSA ETLinux (10%), and Lynx BlueCat Linux (6%); and the top three “standard” distributions for future embedded system designs are Red Hat (15%), Debian (9%), and Caldera (6%). Interestingly, despite the high level of news and promotion associated with the EL/IX API (proposed by Cygnus / Red Hat), EL/IX did not show much developer interest (< 1%).

  • Which factor(s) will have the greatest influence on your choice?

    Three factors topped the list of what developers are looking for: embedded capabilities such as reduced foot-print, real-time extensions, etc. (19%), followed by a two-way tie between completeness of the distribution and the reputation of the company/team behind it (18%). Documentation (13%), technical support (12%), and ease of installation (12%) are also considered important.

  • Would you consider paying for Linux development/support services?

    Here, we have the “$64,000 question” of how companies can make money supplying free software. Nearly three-fifths (62%) said they expect to pay for Linux support, while just one-fifth (20%) said they don't. Another one-fifth (18%) are undecided.

Future Embedded Linux Polls will highlight specifics of the embedded applications, developer preferences for tools and support, and other aspects of the growing use of Linux in embedded applications. Through these ongoing polls, will measure and characterize current and future preferences and trends of embedded system developers. Like Linux itself, the polls data collected will be fully available for all to review following the conclusion of each weekly poll. Previously completed polls were on the topics . . .
  • Why use Linux in embedded applications?
  • Please describe your embedded application.
Results from completed polls can be viewed online. also invites companies and developers in the embedded Linux market to email suggested questions for future Embedded Linux Polls to [email protected].

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