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USB On-The-Go moves forward via compliance program

Sep 15, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The USB Implementers Forum (USB-IF) rolled out a comprehensive USB On-The-Go (OTG) compliance program today, including compliance test documentation, Certified USB On-The-Go logos, and compliance test tools to assist companies in preparing for certification testing for their hand-held devices. Additionally, the organization announced that seven devices have now completed OTG certification.

USB On-The-Go (OTG), a supplement to the USB 2.0 spec, brings the additional feature of allowing portable devices to act as a limited host and exchange data directly with each other without requiring a PC to act as the host. For example, photos can be sent directly from a digital camera to a printer, PDA, cell phone; or music files can be sent directly from an MP3 player to another portable player, PDA, or cell phone.

According to the USB-IF, more than 1.4 billion products are designed with USB ports, making USB the predominant I/O connectivity standard in the market. USB On-The-Go (OTG) enhances the USB specification by allowing point-to-point communication between devices. As devices like mobile phones and PDAs gain in popularity and intelligence, the requirement for a direct connection to each other is also growing.

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