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Which is better — the preempt patch, or the low-latency patch? Both!

Mar 20, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this whitepaper on Linux Scheduler Latency, Clark Williams of Red Hat Inc. compares the performance of two popular ways to improve kernel Linux preemption latency — the preemption patch pioneered by MontaVista and the low-latency patch pioneered by Ingo Molnar — and discovers that the best approach might be a combination of both. Williams writes . . .

“Back in early November 2001, I started following a discussion between two factions of the Linux kernel community. The gist of the discussion was over what was the best solution to the Linux scheduler latency problem, that is the delay between the occurrence of an interrupt and the running of the process that services the interrupt. There were two main factions, the preemption patch faction and the low-latency patch faction. Both groups were very passionate (i.e. vocal) about the superiority of their solution. Since one of my jobs at Red Hat is to evaluate and recommend new techniques for embedded Linux solutions and since scheduler latency is one of the biggest complaints that hard realtime champions have about Linux, I decided to evaluate both patches and see which one came out on top.”

“Since I'm primarily interested in embedded Linux and since most embedded Linux systems are uniprocessor systems, my testing focused exclusively on uniprocessors systems. I tested both patches on a 2.4.17 kernel under heavy load and while both patches significantly reduced kernel latency, the testing shows that the low-latency patches yielded the best reduction of Linux scheduler latency. The low-latency patches had a maximum recorded latency of 1.3 milliseconds, while the preemption patches had a maximum latency of 45.2ms.”

“A 2.4.17 kernel patched with a combination of both preemption and low-latency patches yielded a maximum scheduler latency of 1.2 milliseconds, a slight improvement over the low-latency kernel. However, running the low-latency patched kernel for greater than twelve hours showed that there are still problem cases lurking, with a maximum latency value of 215.2ms recorded. Running the combined patch kernel for more than twelve hours showed a maximum latency value of 1.5ms. This data seems to indicate that the best solution for reducing Linux scheduler latency is to combine both sets of patches . . .”

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