News Archive (1999-2012) | 2013-current at LinuxGizmos | Current Tech News Portal |    About   

Welcome to the Archive!

Updated July 8, 2024

The DeviceGuru Blog Network is pleased to host this repository of nearly 15,000 news items and articles formerly published by from 1999 to 2012. Within this valuable resource, you will find news, views, and devices from the first decade embedded Linux. DeviceGuru Blog Network founder Rick Lehrbaum launched in 1999 and guided the formation of the Embedded Linux Consortium in 2000.

The series of “Linux Device Showcases” featured below offer a quick tour of some of the many innovative embedded Linux-based gadgets and gizmos that were covered by during its 12-year run. Click each set of images to view the corresponding showcases. Additionally, you can conveniently browse the LinuxDevices Archive by month, using the selection list at the right, or search for specific topics and keywords using this Google-assisted site search.

Linux Devices Showcases — 1999-2012

(click the images below to visit each showcase)

Teeny weeny Linux SBCs and COMs

Linux Mobile Phones

Linux PDAs, PMPs, PNDs, & Other Handhelds

Linux MIDs, UMPCs, & Tablets

Linux Netbooks & Mini-notebooks

Linux IP Phones

Linux Robots

Linux Audio/Video Devices

Linux Gateways, Servers, & Routers

Linux Thin Clients

Other Linux Devices