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Archive for December, 1997

2nd RTL Workshop: PC-Based Open Architecture Servo Controller for CNC Machining

December 12, 1997

There is an ever-increasing demand from the Industry for a flexible, modular and a cost-effective CNC machine servo controller. The primary aim of this research is to develop a real-time PC-based servomotor control system. Such a machine controller is not only required to perform control functions but also do other functions like database maintenance, tool path planning and optimization, and operator… (more…)

A developer’s review of LynuxWorks’ BlueCat Linux (Part 4)

December 10, 1997

Other observations

Notably absent from BlueCat is a tool for selecting packages to be included in the target root file system. The competing toolkits all have ways to specify what components are to be included, though with varying features and usefulness. Although this would seem to be a serious deficiency, BlueCat's lack of this type of tool is mitigated somewhat by the large number of… (more…)

A developer’s review of LynuxWorks’ BlueCat Linux (Part 3)

December 10, 1997

Development Process

The development process is essentially that of Linux, with the addition of some useful utilities. (more…)

A developer’s review of LynuxWorks’ BlueCat Linux (Part 2)

December 10, 1997

The “less is more” approach to Embedded Linux toolkits

Making use of the standard Linux installation and development procedures is not necessarily a bad thing, and this suggests the second general approach to Embedded Linux toolkits. The standard Linux workflow is not unusable — it just has chaotic documentation, and could use some utilities oriented toward deploying Linux in embedded… (more…)

Embedded Linux Quick Reference Guide (Part 3)

December 7, 1997

Articles and whitepapers about Embedded Linux and the Embedded Linux Market (more…)