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Archive for June, 2003

HyperTransport compatibility test platform runs embedded Linux

June 2, 2003

GDA Technologies and Xilinx announced a HyperTransport compatibility test platform that they co-developed to support the HyperTransport Consortium's Compatibility Program. (more…)

Newly released NXLIB runs X11 binaries without X11

June 2, 2003

Greg Haerr has announced the first public release of the NXLIB Project, a companion project to Microwindows that allows X11 binaries to run unmodified using the Microwindows Nano-X server. Haerr offered the following comments on the NXLIB release . . . (more…)

Microwindows project releases version 0.90

June 2, 2003

The Microwindows project has released version 0.90 for public download. According to Greg Haerr, Microwindows project leader, there have been many additions, enhancements and bug fixes since last November's version 0.89 release. (more…)