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Analysis of Microsoft’s ‘Competing with Linux’ Document

January 8, 2002

In late November, 2001, an industry colleague, knowing that I had an interest in the competitive stance between Linux and Microsoft, sent me a document titled 'Partner Guide: Competing with Linux'. This document was produced by Microsoft in June 2001. It appears to be a training course for Microsoft partners who are obviously facing increasing competition from Linux. (more…)

Article: Network Booting of a diskless Linux device with PXE

January 4, 2002

PXELINUX can be used to boot a diskless Linux device over a network. Matt Butcher, who uses PXELINUX to boot set-top boxes, explains how PXELINUX works and how to use it in this interesting technical “HOWTO” article. (more…)

ELJonline: January 2002 Table of Contents

January 2, 2002


  • Real Time and Linux, by Kevin Dankwardt — What is real time? This article, first of a three-part series, introduces the benchmarks we'll run on real-time Linux version in the next two issues. (more…)

ELJonline: New Products, January 2002

January 1, 2002

BlueCat 4.0 and RT, VT 900 Set-Top Box, DeviceGate-E gateway, Zaurus SL-5000D (more…)

ELJonline: Letters to the Editor (Jan. 2002)

January 1, 2002

Readers bite back.

Seal It, Don't Hack It (more…)

ELJonline: Contest Update (January, 2002)

January 1, 2002

If it's still an “idiot box” after this contest, you have nobody to blame but yourself. (more…)

ELJonline: Using GTK+/X as an Embedded GUI

January 1, 2002

X Windows and GTK+ are not the bloated monsters you think they are. Here's how we modified GTK+/X for our device's GUI. (more…)

ELJonline: Qt Palmtop

January 1, 2002

This complete palmtop suite offers handwriting recognition, a calendar, an address book, and everything you need in a PDA. (more…)

ELJonline: Real Time and Linux, Part 1

January 1, 2002

[Updated Feb. 4, 2002] What is real time? This article, first of a three-part series, introduces the benchmarks we'll run on real-time Linux version in the next two issues. (more…)

ELJonline: HTTP in 44k with libhttp

January 1, 2002

Web browsers aren't the only clients that need to talk HTTP. Get information from web servers and even load complete software updates with this tiny, easy-to-use HTTP client library which is suitable for use in embedded Linux based applications. (more…)

ELJonline: A Conversation with Alfredo Delgado of

January 1, 2002

Inlambrica is rolling out a network management platform with a difference — the package manager is a PostgreSQL database. ELJ's Phil Hughes asks Alfredo Delgado about Linux, databases and business. (more…)

ELJonline: The Linux4.TV Set-Top Box Open Source Project

January 1, 2002

Here are the details on the new Linux4.TV development kit we're giving away in our development contest. Find out about MPEG playback, video capture, HTML-based interface and more. (more…)

ELJonline: Highly Available Networking

January 1, 2002

Achieve five nines reliability with the bonding network driver and the high availability dæmon. (more…)

ELJonline: System Development Jump Start Class

January 1, 2002

Embedded development instructor Ed Skinner offers philosophy and practical advice in an introductory developer class. (more…)

ELJonline: Linux and Telematics: Building a Passenger Heatstroke Warning

January 1, 2002

A vehicle-based embedded Linux system with nationwide wireless networking and GPS is a big task, right? Make it approachable by starting with the Earthlink SPARK system. (more…)