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Linux-based cellular/WiFi phone router ships

Feb 20, 2008 — by Eric Brown — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Agito Networks announced the availability of its Linux-powered RoamAnywhere Mobility Router. Designed to help enterprises cut mobile phone fees, the router works with dual-mode phones, routing calls over WiFi when available, and passing calls between WiFi and cellular networks.

(Click for larger view of RoamAnywhere Mobility Router 4000 Series)

Announced in October, the RoamAnywhere Mobility Router works together with a client application that can be installed over the air on Windows Mobile or Symbian phones. The product works with any cellular network, the company claims, and users' phones require only a single number, regardless of their location. The router can also route calls over WiFi at home, says Agito, using built-in support for 802.11 a, b, g, and n protocols.

Agito's dual-mode call routing architecture

The RoamAnywhere router comes in two configurations: The 2000 Series router supports up to 100 simultaneous users, says Agito, whereas the 4000 Series router scales up to 1000 simultaneous users. The devices appear to be based on a standard off-the-shelf 1U server platform powered by an Intel Xeon processor of unspecified speed. The 2000 Series version features a single dual-core Xeon processor, while the 4000 Series uses two. A DSP (digital signal processor) co-processor may be implemented as well, as Agito refers to a “hybrid” architecture that separates data flow from control tasks.

The RoamAnywhere I/O features include a 9-pin serial port interface supporting a console connection, a pair of gigabit Ethernet ports, and a USB port. The 4000 model is equipped with 250GB of redundant SATA hard drive storage. Both models run on an in-house version of Linux 2.6.


Pricing for the RoamAnywhere solution starts at approximately $10,000 for the 2000 Series, says Agito, and $28,000 for the 4000 Series.

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