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Archive for February, 2001

Java-based embedded software rides with Delphi Automotive

February 1, 2001

Milpitas, CA — (press release excerpt) — NetClue Corp. has announced that Delphi Automotive Systems will use NetClue's Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) compliant technology and File Viewer for Delphi's Mobile MultiMedia Product Line. NetClue's technology for Internet file viewing will be used with text-to-speech software. (more…)

Microsoft takes a page from Linux play book

February 1, 2001

ZDNet's Mary Jo Foley reports on Microsoft's increasing talk about making Windows source code available to its customers. Don't hold your breath, though — the big M's not about to open-source Windows! Foley writes . . . (more…)

Lineo adds Embedded Power to its acquisition portfolio

February 1, 2001

Lineo, a prominent provider of Linux software for smart devices and embedded systems, announced the acquisition of Embedded Power Corporation, a small software company that specializes in real-time operating systems (RTOS) for microprocessors (µPs) and digital signal processors (DSPs). (more…)

Announcing linAXE: Linux for BattleBots — and nicer robots too ;)

February 1, 2001

At a small booth at LinuxWorld, a new project just set up shop: the “linAXE Project”. There, I met a couple of guys who answered the question “When did this project get started?” with a single word: “TODAY!” (more…)