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Archive for April, 2002

New toolkits support wireless, portal, and voice apps on Linux devices

April 26, 2002

Somers, NY — (press release excerpt) — IBM announced new WebSphere Studio application development products for Linux and Web site development, as well as new toolkits for building wireless, portal, and voice applications. They are all based on the Eclipse platform, which is supported by an open-source community for multi-vendor software tool integration. (more…)

New driver for USB TCP/IP between Windows hosts and Linux devices

April 26, 2002

An announcement of a TCP/IP driver for USB communication between Windows hosts and Linux client devices . . . (more…)

Agenda VR3 compatible Linux PDA to sell for $105

April 25, 2002

Toronto, Canada — (press release excerpt) — Softfield Technologies has announced the availability of a Linux PDA that is compatible with the discontinued Agenda VR3. (more…)

Building a secure kiosk with Embedded Linux

April 25, 2002

In this informative and entertaining technical article at, embedded developer Patrick Glennon relates his experiences in creating a small Linux-based system for a client that required robust, easy-to-use, low-cost kiosks for conducting surveys at hotels. Glennon makes use of Intrinsyc's CerfPod as the kiosk's base platform, and equips it with open source software such as the Familiar… (more…)

Symbian rallies confab against Microsoft [CNET]

April 25, 2002

Matthew Broersma of CNET reports on mobile phone operating system supplier Symbian's new target — Microsoft. Broersma writes . . . (more…)

First embedded Linux solution for DragonBall Super VZ available

April 25, 2002

Shanghai, China — (press release excerpt) — MobileSoft Technology (Nanjing) Co. Ltd. announced today at the 7th International IC Conference & Expo (Shanghai) that it has ported its mLinux embedded Linux operating system to Motorola's DragonBall Super VZ microprocessor. (more…)

Article: Building a secure kiosk with Embedded Linux

April 25, 2002

In this informative and entertaining technical article, embedded developer Patrick Glennon relates his experiences in creating a small Linux-based system for a client that required robust, easy-to-use, low-cost kiosks for conducting surveys at hotels. Glennon makes use of Intrinsyc's CerfPod as the kiosk's base platform, and equips it with open source software such as the Familiar project's Linux… (more…)

Presentation: Choosing an Embedded Linux

April 24, 2002

This is the slide presentation given by John Lombardo (author of Embedded Linux, published by New Riders) at the Embedded Linux Expo & Conference (ELEC) held in Reston, VA during November, 2001. Quoting from the introduction . . . (more…)

Lineo finalizes recapitalization, announces Embedix SDK 2.5

April 24, 2002

Lineo issued the following announcement today regarding the completion of the company's recapitalization process and the release of the next version of the Embedix SDK . . . (more…)

New Linux-based residential gateway to use Jungo’s OpenRG

April 24, 2002

Santa Clara, CA — (press release excerpt) — SOHOware Inc. will incorporate Jungo Software Technologies' OpenRG software platform in its next generation of residential and SOHO (small office / home office) networking solutions, the two companies announced today. OpenRG will be optimized to SOHOware's broadband multimedia gateway (BMG), which is being developed and built around Intel XScale technology,… (more…)

Jabber messaging client licensed by wireless service provider

April 24, 2002

Denver, CO — (press release excerpt) — Jabber, Inc., a leading developer of software for extensible instant messaging (IM), today announced that the Jabber Communications Platform has been licensed by Aether Systems, Inc. (more…)

Wireless stack provider Rappore secures $3M funding

April 24, 2002

Rappore Technologies announced it has secured $3 million in its Series C round of funding. Rappore integrates 802.11 and Bluetooth along with other wireless technologies to enable secure wireless connectivity for personal computers, PDAs, and embedded devices such as gateway servers and network access points. (more…)


April 24, 2002

Here is an announcement from Aleph One Ltd regarding the possibility of building more LART boards . . . (more…)

New utility helps prevent software license violations [NewsForge]

April 24, 2002

Newsforge editor Tina Gasperson reports on LIDESC, a new 'license awareness tool.' Gasperson writes . . . (more…)

Build a Flexible VPN with FreeS/WAN and Linux [CrossNodes]

April 24, 2002

In this two-part tutorial at CrossNodes, Carla Schroder introduces FreeS/WAN, a free Linux implementation of IPsec (IP security) protocols. In Part 1 she discussed what FreeS/WAN does. (more…)