Symbian rallies confab against Microsoft [CNET]
Apr 25, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsMatthew Broersma of CNET reports on mobile phone operating system supplier Symbian's new target — Microsoft. Broersma writes . . .
“Symbian Chief Executive David Levin kicked off the company's annual developer conference here on Wednesday with a call to arms, with Microsoft as the clear — if unstated — public enemy No. 1.”
“Microsoft, with its Windows CE software, has been slowly working its way into the handheld computer market for years. But this year the competition is set to heat up as Microsoft introduces devices that compete more directly with Symbian.”
“No one company can lay out all the answers and get it right the first time,” Levin said. “One size doesn't fit all in this market. There are one billion people using mobile phones this year. This is not the PC world . . .”
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