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Archive for May, 2002

A lesson and a warning for Wind River [Military and Aerospace]

May 1, 2002

John Keller, chief editor of Military & Aerospace Electronics, examines the trend of real-time embedded software moving from proprietary solutions to open standards and embedded Linux . . . (more…)

‘First-of-a-kind’ Robot Developer Kit supports Linux and open APIs

May 1, 2002

Pasadena, CA — (press release excerpt) — Evolution Robotics, Inc. today began shipping its Robot Developer Kit (RDK), an 'industrial strength' kit which includes hardware and software tools to help developers and manufacturers create autonomous personal robots for the home and workplace. (more…) 1.0 released

May 1, 2002

Santa Clara, CA — (press release excerpt) — The community today announced the availability of 1.0, the open source, multi-platform, multi-lingual office productivity suite available as a free download at the community website. (more…)

IBM debuts ‘world class’ volume management technology for Linux

May 1, 2002

Armonk, NY — (press release excerpt) — IBM today announced world-class volume management technology for Linux that is designed to streamline and enhance the operating system's storage management capabilities. The new technology is the result of extensive collaboration among developers in the Linux open community and the IBM Linux Technology… (more…)

Fossil unearths PalmOS-based wrist PDA [ZDNet]

May 1, 2002

Matthew Broersma reports on a new PalmOS-based wrist PDA for ZDNet UK . . .

“Fossil, the Texas-based maker of trendy watches and other accessories, has started selling the Wrist PDA, a Palm-compatible device that displays contacts, to-dos, appointments and other information from a handheld computer.” (more…)

ELJonline: VOCAL — Open Source VoIP Software for Linux

May 1, 2002

While most open-source projects are applications and utilities intended for single users, we did something different. We created an infrastructure project: a Voice-over-IP (VoIP) phone system that either can run on a single box attached to a couple of IP phones or can scale up to a network of hosts processing hundreds of calls between thousands of users. (more…)

ELJonline: WANDER: a Portable Linux Data-Collection System

May 1, 2002

One of the most entertaining aspects of spending an otherwise exhausting decade conjuring a geeked-out, canoe-scale, Linux-based, amphibian pedal/solar/sail trimaran, is that every new twist in the project involves steep learning curves and, in many cases, spin-offs. (more…)

ELJonline: The Dual-Licensing Model

May 1, 2002

How do you build a thriving commercial software business out of software that's available under the GNU General Public License? Trolltech's strategy is to offer customers a choice: a GPL version at no charge or a version compatible with proprietary software at a fair price. (more…)

ELJonline: Real Time and Linux, Part 3: Sub-Kernels and Benchmarks

May 1, 2002

In the first two articles of this series (see “Real Time and Linux, Part 1” and “Real Time and Linux, Part 2: the Preemptible Kernel”), we examined the fundamental concepts of real time and… (more…)

ELJonline: BOEL, Part 2: Kernel Configuration and Booting

May 1, 2002

Brian's Own Embedded Linux, or BOEL as it is affectionately known, was created as part of the SystemImager Project. SystemImager is a tool used for, well, imaging systems and distributing live updates. Part of the imaging process involves booting a client machine in such a way that its hard disks are not in use and are therefore available for manipulation. (more…)

ELJonline: GAR: Automating Entire OS Builds

May 1, 2002

I'm a member of the LNX-BBC Project. The LNX-BBC is a business card-sized CD-ROM containing a miniature distribution of GNU/Linux. In order to fit everything we wanted on the roughly 50MB volume, we had to build every single piece of software from scratch and weed out unnecessary files. (more…)

ELJonline: Writing Portable Device Drivers

May 1, 2002

Almost all Linux kernel device drivers work on more than just one type of processor. This only happens because device-driver writers adhere to a few important rules. These rules include using the proper variable types, not relying on specific memory page sizes, being aware of endian issues with external data, setting up proper data alignment and accessing device… (more…)

ELJonline: Update on Single-Board Computers (May 2002)

May 1, 2002

In the March/April 2001 issue of Embedded Linux Journal (“All about Linux-friendly Single-Board Computers”), I traced the history of the embedded single-board computer (SBC) market from the early 80s to the year 2000. One interesting phenomenon during that period was the emergence and proliferation of the embedded PC architecture, which manifested in several… (more…)