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A lesson and a warning for Wind River [Military and Aerospace]

May 1, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

John Keller, chief editor of Military & Aerospace Electronics, examines the trend of real-time embedded software moving from proprietary solutions to open standards and embedded Linux . . .

“The supplier base for real-time embedded software seems to be expanding, which comes as a shock among some in this business, especially to leaders of the software company potentially with the most to lose ? Wind River Systems of Alameda, Calif. Don't get me wrong. Wind River is still the default real-time embedded operating system provider, but not as solidly as it has been in the recent past . . .”

” . . . for a while I've been hearing other names in the mix besides Wind River. Most notable among these are Green Hills Software Inc. in Santa Barbara, CA, OSE Systems in San Jose, CA, QNX Software Systems Ltd. in Kanata, Ontario, and different versions of real-time Linux from companies such as FSM Labs in Socorro, NM, LynuxWorks in San Jose, CA, and MontaVista Software Inc. of Sunnyvale, CA . . . “

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