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Archive for September, 2002

Introducing the Open Cluster Framework [LinuxJournal]

September 3, 2002

Writing at Linux Journal, Richard Ferri interviews Alan Robertson about High Availability (HA), High Performance Computing (HPC), and their future in open-source clustering . . . (more…)

Intel and Force collaborate on HA, Carrier Grade Linux building blocks

September 3, 2002

Fremont, CA — (press release excerpt) — Force Computers and Intel Corp. are working together on standards initiatives and development of interoperable building-blocks for Modular Communications Platforms (MCPs) that speed the development and lower the cost of equipment for next generation networks. (more…)

Real-Time Linux Foundation publishes list of real-time Linux projects

September 2, 2002

Following a call for information regarding real-time Linux based projects, tools, and variants, a comprehensive list of over 80 projects has been compiled on the Real-Time Linux Foundation website. Where appropriate, links indicate the specific real-time Linux variant used, and in some cases there are also links to solution providers. (more…) reaches 20,000 verified Linux Links

September 1, 2002

An announcement from . . ., a Linux portal website dedicated to covering the entire Linux scene, now provides over 20,000 verified links., which initially started as a private bookmark collection, is probably the largest Linux link collection in the world, without a 404 error in sight. (more…)

EJLonline: In-Memory Database Systems

September 1, 2002

IMDSes are especially useful for embedded development, where every saved process shrinks the footprint and the bottom line. (more…)

ELJonline: Memory Leak Detection in Embedded Systems

September 1, 2002

Cal discusses mtrace, dmalloc and memwatch — three easy-to-use tools that find most application program errors. (more…)