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Archive for October, 2002

LynxOS puts sports fans in the NASCAR driver’s seat

October 14, 2002

San Jose, CA — (press release excerpt) — The LynxOS real-time operating system (RTOS) from LynuxWorks is the embedded software platform inside Sportvision's RACEf/x tracking and telemetry system for motorsports, according to a media advisory issued today. RACEf/x is currently featured in major network broadcasts of NASCAR racing, the fastest growing spectator sport in the world with more than 250… (more…)

Device Profile: AcquiSuite — a building automation data acquisition device

October 14, 2002


AcquiSuite is a computerized device (manufactured by Obvius — Portland, OR) which is used for building automation and energy management. The device can lower the cost of operating a building by collecting and reporting information in a reliable, timely, and inexpensive manner. (more…)

New Linux kernel configuration tool nears completion [Slashdot]

October 12, 2002

Slashdot reports that the new Linux kernel configuration tool, LinuxKernelConf is nearing completion. According to the LinuxKernelConf web page . (more…)

XScale scales up with on-chip DSP [IT World]

October 11, 2002

Martyn Williams, of IDG News Service's Tokyo Bureau, reports that Intel is set to unveil its latest XScale processor — code named 'Manitoba' — on Oct. 15. The integrated circuit will place a digital signal processor on chip alongside an ARM core. That will make it the first DSP-CPU combo in the XScale lineup. (more…)

Open Source Development with Perl, Python, and DB2 [developerWorks]

October 11, 2002

Perl, PHP, and Python are used in many software projects today due to their flexibility, simplicity, portability and extensibility. To help you gain a better understanding of their popularity with Open Source developers, this article on IBM's developerWorks website takes you through a tour of the important features and functions of Perl and Python. (more…)

Report: Linux becoming ‘platform of choice’ in digital interactive TV

October 11, 2002

[Updated Oct. 11, 2002] Boston, MA — (press release excerpt) — Linux is showing promising signs of becoming the platform of choice for next generation digital interactive television (ITV) client devices and services. This is according to a new research report released by Trace strategies Inc. (more…)

Digital Rights Management issues in real-time and safety/mission critical systems

October 11, 2002

In this guest column at, Victor Yodaiken speculates on the implications (and potential catastrophic consequences) of Digital Rights Management Passport (DRMP) technology to embedded, real-time, and mission critical computer systems. Yodaiken writes . . . (more…)

Automating manufacturing with Ethernet-enabled I/O modules [Linux Planet]

October 10, 2002

Here's an article at Linux Planet about using Ethernet-enabled I/O modules and Linux automate manufacturing processes. The modules mount directly on a machine, and are controlled from a PC or PLC using standard 'ladder logic' programming techniques . . . (more…)

Building a Linux-Based appliance [Linux Journal]

October 10, 2002

For both ease of development and cost-effectiveness, Linux offers a perfect platform for building a robust, standalone appliance. This Linux Journal article by Dave Feinleib and Jed Stafford explain how you can build your own reliable, secure 'Linux appliance' . . . (more…)

Article: Digital Rights Management issues in real-time and safety/mission critical systems

October 10, 2002

The problem

Digital Rights Management Passport (DRMP) technology (TCPA from Intel and Palladium from Microsoft and similar) is intended to make it hard to copy downloaded music or pirated software. Preventing teenagers from making copies of Eminem songs may seem harmless, but Internet Age technology is all about convergence. (more…)

New book: Creating Applications with Mozilla

October 9, 2002

Sebastopol, CA — (press release excerpt) — More than just a browser, Mozilla provides a framework that allows developers to create cross-platform applications by utilizing its accessible components, including JavaScript, CSS, and Mozilla's XUL (XML-based user-interface Language), as well as the Gecko rendering engine, XBL (eXtensible Binding Language), and XPCOM (Mozilla's component model). (more…)

New gigabit Layer-3 switch features extensible Linux environment

October 9, 2002

Znyx Networks today announced the ZX4800 Gigabit Layer-3 Switch — a combination of the Intel NetStructure ZT 8102 Switch with the Znyx OpenArchitect for Managed Switches control plane software environment. (more…)

New development platform for ARM9/Linux mobile device development

October 9, 2002

Mizi Research (Seuol, Korea) today unveiled '[email protected] for ARM9', an ARM9-powered hardware/software platform for developers of Linux-based mobile devices such as PDAs and smartphones. (more…)

Free Standards Group launches OpenI18N Certification program

October 8, 2002

Oakland, CA — (press release excerpt) — Less than a year after the initial release of the OpenI18N Standard (formerly Li18nux), the Free Standards Group announced the launch of the OpenI18N Certification program. (more…)

Get to know GNU’s text processing utils [developerWorks]

October 8, 2002

This series of tips for Linux users offers an easy introduction to the GNU text processing tools — how to use them, how to avoid pitfalls, and how to combine them to create powerful custom tools. At the end of this online introduction located at IBM's developerWorks website, you should be able to use the text processing utilities, pipes, and streams to build complex data crunching systems. (more…)