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XScale scales up with on-chip DSP [IT World]

Oct 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Martyn Williams, of IDG News Service's Tokyo Bureau, reports that Intel is set to unveil its latest XScale processor — code named 'Manitoba' — on Oct. 15. The integrated circuit will place a digital signal processor on chip alongside an ARM core. That will make it the first DSP-CPU combo in the XScale lineup. Intel hopes such a one-two punch will help it garner more cellular handset and other wireless design wins and compete with the likes of Texas Instruments.

There are currently two processors in the XScale range, the PXA250 aimed at handheld devices and the PXA210 aimed at cellular telephones. The 250 comes in speed grades of 200, 300, and 400 MHz. To boost multimedia performance, it boasts an on-chip multiply-accumulate coprocessor which performs two simultaneous 16-bit single-instruction, multiple data (SIMD) multiples with 40-bit accumulation.

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