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Archive for December, 2004

Commercial TCP/IP stack for Linux devices deemed IPv6-ready

December 1, 2004

Both router and embedded host versions of Interpeak's dual-mode IPv4/IPv6 TCP/IP stack for Linux have passed the Phase 1 requirements in the IPv6 Forum's IPv6 Logo Program. IPNET is available for a number of real-time operating systems, but only the Linux version was tested for IPv6 compliance. (more…)

Open source, embedded-specific Java VM, class libraries relaunch

December 1, 2004

An open source project to offer an embedded-specific Java VM (virtual machine) and class libraries has been relaunched. Dutch software house Luminis and Belgian embedded Java specialist /k/ have taken over the Wonka project, which they say had languished since the late 2003 demise of founder Acunia. (more…)

Don’t throw away that old PDA!

December 1, 2004

Two companies are collecting used-but-working PDAs for donation to physicians working in Africa. Skyscape, which sells medical software for handhelds, and Satellife, a global health information network, have co-founded the “Global Supply Line” program, which launches today to coincide with World AIDS Day. (more…)

Book targets administrators of high-performance Linux clusters

December 1, 2004

O'Reilly has published a book about open source and free software for setting up, running, and programing Linux clusters. “High Performance Linux Clusters with OSCAR, Rocks, openMosix, and MPI” introduces specific software packages that author Joseph D. Sloan says can save new cluster administrators time. (more…)