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Open source, embedded-specific Java VM, class libraries relaunch

Dec 1, 2004 — by Henry Kingman — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

An open source project to offer an embedded-specific Java VM (virtual machine) and class libraries has been relaunched. Dutch software house Luminis and Belgian embedded Java specialist /k/ have taken over the Wonka project, which they say had languished since the late 2003 demise of founder Acunia.

The Wonka Project was founded in late 2001 by telematics specialist Acunia, which offered a commercial version of Wonka under a GPL-compatible, BSD-style license.

According to Chris Gray, former head of Wonka development at Acunia, and the founder of /k/ (pronounced “kah”), Wonka's new maintainers have taken over with the blessing of Punch International, which acquired project resources as part of its acquisition of Acunia's assets. Punch also hired two of the original Wonka developers.

Gray says says Wonka is still used by many companies, both in products and for internal projects. “Wonka is still the only open source project which offers both a VM and class libraries tailored for embedded use,” according to Gray.

Gray says /k/ and Luminis have relaunched the Wonka website, converting the CVS repository to subversions, re-instating mailing list archives, and adding wiki software and a JIRA bug tracking system. The new site can be found here.

Gray expects a renaissance of activity around the re-launched project. “Originally, development was centralized in Acunia. Now we are moving into a phase where things will happen, because there is a party that has a commercial need for it, and a party that knows how to make it happen,” states Gray.

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