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Archive for March, 2006

Registration open for CGL 3.2

March 2, 2006

[Updated Mar. 3] — The first “registerable” release of the Carrier Grade Linux (CGL) 3 specification has been made. Linux distributions can now be registered as compliant with CGL 3.2, which includes a variety of changes based on feedback from specification users, according to the OSDL (Open Source Development Labs), the member-funded industry group that maintains the specification. (more…)

ALP success to hinge on developer adoption?

March 2, 2006

The Access/PalmSource Linux Platform (ALP), a Linux environment for smartphones and other devices expected to appear in devices in 2007, must attract developers in order to succeed, suggests Jason Perlow at ComputingUnplugged. (more…)

Roll-your-own embedded Linux service goes global

March 2, 2006

TimeSys has signed up four new ASSPs (authorized support and service partners) for its subscription-based service package for embedded Linux developers. The new LinuxLink ASSPs will provide native-language sales and support, and value-added services, in France, Israel, Greece, Turkey, India, and Southeast Asia, TimeSys says. (more…)

Chip startup adopts Linux, open cores for PMPs, DTV

March 1, 2006

A fabless semiconductor startup focused on “multi-function video processing chips” has adopted Linux and an open-source RISC core. Vivace Semiconductor's roadmap, unveiled at a venture capital event today in San Francisco, includes a VSP200 chip targeting portable video players, and a VSP300 chip targeting high-definition integrated digital TVs (DTVs). (more…)

Videos capture FOSDEM embedded Linux talks

March 1, 2006

A dozen videos addressing topics of interest to embedded Linux developers are now available from Free-Electrons, a small company in the South of France that distributes free embedded Linux documentation and training materials. The videos were shot at last week's FOSDEM (Free and Open Source Developers' European Meeting) in Brussels, Belgium. (more…)

SDIO WLAN cards gain Linux, CIFS support

March 1, 2006

Socket Communications says its wireless SDIO cards are now supported under Linux, thanks to proprietary SDIO stacks from Codetelligence and EmbWise. Additionally, the cards support the CIFS NQ storage filesystem protocol through third-party middleware from Visuality Systems, it says. (more…)

Philips touts 65nm CE SoC, Linux

March 1, 2006

One of the world's largest consumer electronics companies claims to have booted Linux on an ARM11 SoC (system-on-chip) built on 65-nanometer CMOS (complementary metal-oxide semiconductor) process technology. Philips Electronics calls the unnamed SoC “the first truly consumer product-oriented SoC to be successfully produced in 65-nm low-power CMOS.”

Philips says it designed the new,… (more…)