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6th RTL Workshop: Embedded Linux Platform for a Fault Tolerant Space Based Parallel Computer

Nov 2, 1997 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This paper describes an implementation of the Linux kernel and applications on a unique commercial-off-the-shelf component based space borne computer system. This system, called the parallel processing unit has been developed for the X-Sat micro-satellite mission. Interfaces using the kernel device driver model are utilised to allow seamless application interaction with the system hub. Software implemented universal error detection and correction (EDAC) processes protect user space applications in the harsh radiation environment of space. The primary advantage of such a Linux based space system is the high degree of similarity to ground based personal computing systems. This allows the user to utilise readily available software tools and shift the burden of development to the more powerful and user friendly desktop computing environment. However, this lends credence to the interesting concept of uploadable software payloads, discussed as part of the paper.

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