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Ampro expands Linux commitment with PowerPC/Linux embedded combo

Oct 14, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

San Jose, CA and Pittsburgh, PA — (press release excerpt) — Ampro Computers today announced the immediate availability of a certified, production-quality Linux distribution from TimeSys for it's PowerPC-based EnCore PP1 module. Ampro and TimeSys will jointly supply complete Linux operating system and development environments to accelerate the deployment of next generation OEM devices. TimeSys Linux SDKs for Ampro's MIPS and x86 boards and modules will quickly follow.

The EnCore PP1 is an embedded processor module featuring Motorola's 300MHz MPC8245 integrated host processor with a 32-bit 66MHz PCI bus interface, 10/100BaseT Ethernet, EIDE, serial, parallel, and USB ports, and Motorola JTAG connection. To speed initial development, the EnCore PP1 comes in a QuickStart Kit with RAM and reference baseboard with standardized connectors for easy peripheral connection. Each QuickStart Kit also comes with a certified TimeSys Linux distribution consisting of a complete package with OS, device drivers, GNU development tools, Windows (Cygwin) and Linux workstation development environments, a Root File System (RFS) with applications, utilities, and libraries, and a verified Bootloader. In addition, the QuickStart Kit includes evaluation copies of TimeSys Loadable Kernel Modules (LKMs) to easily add the advanced real-time reservations capabilities of TimeSys Linux Real-Time, TimeSys Linux CPU, and/or TimeSys Net. Kernel enhancements to support the TimeStorm, TimeTrace and TimeWiz tools are included in the QSK. These tools are available from TimeSys.

“Our collaboration with TimeSys is a demonstration of our commitment to the growing Linux market,” said Joanne Williams, president and CEO of Ampro Computers.

Ampro's EnCore PP1 QuickStart Kit sells for only $995 and is available immediately from Ampro.

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