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Bluetooth goal: civilize wireless (eWEEK)

Nov 6, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

eWEEK Labs editor Peter Coffee takes a look at Bluetooth version 1.0 specifications, and concludes that they offer secure, convenient, “personal network” foundations. The article provides some useful information about what Bluetooth is, the current status of its development, and
a few currently available implementations of Bluetooth in products. Coffee writes . . .

” . . . the saga of wireless connection has been rife with proprietary struggles and vendor-specific schemes. Like the 10th-century Danish conqueror Harald Blåtand, whose name (for reasons buried in folklore) means “blue tooth,” the Bluetooth wireless protocol seeks to unify fractious territories into a powerful and relatively civilized whole . . .”

“On reviewing the 1.0 versions of the various Bluetooth protocol specifications, eWeek Labs finds an adequate but somewhat minimal foundation for the pervasive, transparent, short-range wireless environment that Bluetooth seeks to provide.”

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