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Caldera Buys SCO Unix and Professional Services

Aug 2, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

[email protected] Partner's Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols reports on the acquisition by Caldera of the Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) Unix server and services division, the long-standing leader in Intel ('x86') based Unix. While neither Caldera nor SCO currently participates in the embedded market space, the sudden boost to Caldera's sales, support, and revenue has the potential to impact the balance at power among “tier… one” Linux suppliers, and therefore bears watching. Vaughan-Nichols writes . . .

“With this single move, Linux and Unix are unified for the first time under one company. The enterprise operating-system world will never be the same.”

“As for joining together time-tested Unix and low-cost, open-source Linux, Caldera states that it offers the industry's first comprehensive Open Internet Platform (OIP) combining Linux and UNIX server solutions and services globally. Specifically, that will include Caldera's Linux line and SCO's OpenServer and UnixWare lines. The combined OIP product line will be unveiled at SCO's premier partner show, Forum2000, on Aug. 23 and made available through SCO and Caldera's existing 15,000 worldwide partners . . .”

“Red Hat CEO Matthew Szulik would agree with that, although in a harsher manner. “This validates what we and the IDC numbers have been saying all along about the death of the proprietary Unix market. As advocates of open source, we look forward to Caldera's support of open sourcing SCO's proprietary Unix technology to the entire open-source community . . .”

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