Can you make the switch from Windows? [developerWorks]
Oct 11, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsLike many users of PCs, you may be considering the switch to Linux. You've heard all the arguments about the economic viability and cross-platform compatibility of open source software in general and Linux in particular, but you may still be intimidated by the prospect of changing environments. This article from IBM's developerWorks website takes you through a Linux newbie's experience as he seeks to change over to Linux.
Mark Chapman addresses many of the issues involved, including software availability and support. Mark tests the conventional wisdom that Linux is not “ready for prime time” as anything but a network operating system. He seeks out commercial, shareware, and freeware programs for Linux to replace the existing applications he currently uses with Windows for his office and home systems. If they exist, where can a user find them, how easy are they to install and use, and how well do they work together? Mark's final goal is a system that would allow him to stop using Windows for anything. (Obviously your own mileage may vary, depending on what uses you have for your computer.)
Note: the article is a 28-page downloadable PDF
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