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ELJonline: New Products (March, 2001)

March 1, 2001

At LinuxWorld New York in January 2001, Lineo announced the SecureEdge hardware brand, a OEM development platform for fully brandable Linux-based applications and devices. SecureEdge replaces the NETtel product line. The first SecureEdge product available is a VPN Internet router that secures office-wide Internet connections. (more…)

The GNU GPL and the American Way

March 1, 2001

Microsoft describes the GNU General Public License (GNU GPL) as an “open source” license, and says it is against the American Way. (more…)

ELJonline: Letters to the Editor (March, 2001)

March 1, 2001

Love letters… PDF format?… even the toaster?… “lightweight” browsers… all that and a shoehorn. (more…)

ELJonline: Mobile Network Services with Linux

March 1, 2001

The skinny on building your own SMS gateway.

GSM (Global System of Mobile Communications) short messages have become tremendously popular in just a few years. Popularity of Short Message Services (SMS) was not foreseen and surprised telecommunication companies, but its popularity had an effect. (more…)

ELJonline: Infrastructural Appliances

March 1, 2001

Linux is becoming commodity infrastructure.

In his keynote speech at Macworld Expo in January 2001, Apple CEO Steve Jobs declared that the PC was not dead, just boring — and that Apple would cease to make their PCs boring by making them “hubs” for people's “digital lifestyles”. (more…)

ELJonline: Introduction to Microwindows Programming, Part 2

March 1, 2001

Check out the recent additions to the Microwindows Project. (more…)

ELJonline: From the Editor — What We Are and Where We’re Going

March 1, 2001

ELJ continues to grow.

This is the second issue of ELJ to hit the newsstand on its own. The excitement started when we did an ELJ supplement attached to our sister publication Linux Journal last year, and it continues to grow. (more…)

ELJonline: Tracing Real-Time Application Interface Using the Linux Trace Toolkit

March 1, 2001

As embedded and real-time Linux explode, development tools are necessary to track behavior–here's one. (more…)

ELJonline: Fish On, Fish Off — Part 2

March 1, 2001

Erik shows how to set up an embedded system so you can gain wireless control of your home. (more…)

Article: A developer’s perspective on PocketLinux

February 22, 2001

Foreword: This article is the fifth in a series on Exploring Linux PDA Software Alternatives by Jerry Epplin that explores the history, status, alternative architectures, and future developments of Linux on PDAs and handheld devices. (more…)

The “Post-PC” era is upon the embedded board market

February 21, 2001

The rise of the embedded Wintel Architecture

During the 90's, the combination of Intel x86 architecture and Windows operating system steadily gained ground among manufacturers and users of board-level computers in the embedded and industrial instrumentation and control markets. (more…)

Article: DSPs and Embedded Linux: a great combination

February 20, 2001

Digital Signal Processors (DSPs) are at the core of multimedia, wireless, and broadband devices that require significant real-time processing such as digital cameras, cellular phones, MP3 players, VoIP phones, and DSL/cable modems. Many of these devices will be running embedded Linux for its flexibility, reliability, and ease of Internet connectivity. (more…)

Article: Adeos — a resource sharing multi-OS environment

February 20, 2001

Karim Yaghmour, author of the Linux Trace Toolkit, recently launched a new open source project to develop an “Adaptive Domain Environment for Operating Systems” (Adeos). The purpose of Adeos is to provide a flexible environment for sharing hardware resources among multiple operating systems, or among multiple instances of a single OS. (more…)

Article: Linux lookalike RTOS passes “Quake test”

February 15, 2001

In the early days of the IBM PC era, when you wanted to know if a system was “IBM PC compatible”, you'd try running Lotus Flight Simulator on it. That program exercised the system's hardware and software so thoroughly, and took enough liberties with undocumented and inadvisable functions (like writing directly to video RAM), that if Flight Simulator ran on the system you could pretty much count on it… (more…)

Article: An introduction to Waba — an open source Java-like platform

February 15, 2001

Waba is a programming platform for small devices. Waba defines a language, a virtual machine (VM), a class file format, and a set of foundation classes. Legally speaking, Waba is not Java. Also, the foundation classes are simplified in comparison to the standard Java classes, and the VM has certain limitations. (more…)