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Article: About the built-in Flash memory support in kernel 2.4.x

February 13, 2001

Although I had heard that Linux kernel 2.4.0 now contains Memory Technology Device (MTD) support directly within the kernel, I wasn't clear about how extensive the built-in support is. I therefore contacted MTD project leader David Woodhouse and asked him to clarify the “bigger picture” of 2.4.0's built-in support for devices such as the M-Systems DiskOnChip. (more…)

Article: Device profile: a Linux-based SOHO Integrated Server device

February 13, 2001

The “Aries Integrated Server” from Celestix is designed for easy-to-use resource-sharing and Internet access for small workgroups of up to 50 users. The device, which contains an embedded Linux operating system, is meant to serve as a fast way to connect a small network to the Internet. (more…)

Article: GPL and patents are like oil and water

February 12, 2001

In his guest editorial about the RTLinux patent, Jerry Epplin makes the point that mixing a patent with GPL turns GPL into something that seems contrary to the intent of the creators of the GPL license. (more…)

Article: Device profile: a Linux-based home TV Internet appliance

February 12, 2001

The “canD” is a very small, stylish, easy-to-install Linux-based TV set-top box designed to provide convenient Internet access to beginners and non-computer users. The new consumer Internet appliance is part of a wave of Asian-manufactured Linux-based consumer products that will begin hitting retail shelves this year. (more…)

Article: A developer’s perspective on the RTLinux patent

February 11, 2001

Foreword: In this guest editorial, Jerry Epplin takes a look at the recently unveiled RTLinux patent, including a summary of what the patent says, the implications of the patent to the GPL status of RTLinux, and some of the issues and concerns that may arise when developing applications that incorporate RTLinux. (more…)

Linux Article: Presentation: the State of Embedded Linux

February 9, 2001

This is the slide presentation given by founder Rick Lehrbaum at the recent Real-Time and Embedded Systems Forum held on February 6, 2001 in San Jose, CA. Topics discussed include . (more…)

Article: A walk on the Embedded side . . . of LinuxWorld NY

February 8, 2001 founder Rick Lehrbaum takes his customary “walk on the embedded side” of the LinuxWorld Conference and Expo held last week in New York City. In this article, Lehrbaum describes what he observed and gives his impressions of current trends in Embedded Linux — the next big frontier for Linux . . . (more…)

Article: Details emerge on Transmeta’s “Mobile Linux”

February 2, 2001

Henry Kingman, senior producer of ZDNet's Linux Resource Center, attended a session at LinuxWorld Expo in New York and filed this report . . . (more…)

Device profile: Filanet intelligent Internet service appliance

January 29, 2001

Filanet Corporation (Sunnyvale, CA) aims to provide small and medium sized businesses with plug-and-play “big company networking” capabilities through an “Internet service appliance” known as the InterJak. Accordingly, the company's InterJak 200 is meant to be an easy-to-use, compact, appliance-like device which implements the functions of an Internet gateway, VPN/firewall, email server, file sharing, and… (more…)

Article: A developer’s perspective on the GPLing of Qt

January 28, 2001

Morphing from “black sheep” to “GPL good citizen”

Most Linux users are aware of Qt, the GUI framework on which the KDE desktop environment is based. In the Linux desktop application development world, Qt competes with Gtk+, which forms the basis for the Gnome desktop environment. (more…)

Article: Installing the Qt Palmtop Environment on the iPAQ

January 27, 2001

Foreword: This article is the fourth in a series on Exploring Linux PDA Software Alternatives by Jerry Epplin that explores the history, status, alternative architectures, and future developments of Linux on PDAs and handheld devices. (more…)

Article: The little Linux chip that could

January 26, 2001

One year ago, Palo Alto, CA based “ZF Microsystems” changed its name to “ZF Linux Devices” and began promoting an interesting new system-on-chip processor called the “MachZ” as a Linux-oriented silicon device. Why did ZF decide to focus itself on Linux — to the point of a change in corporate name? (more…)

Article: What’s so good about open source and Linux — in embedded?

January 23, 2001

Throughout 2000, conducted a survey of developers to try to understand their motivations for using Linux in embedded systems and intelligent devices. Some of the most interesting results are in the areas of reasons for wanting to use open source software, and the perceived strengths and advantages of Linux. (more…)

Real-time Linux Software Quick Reference Guide

January 19, 2001

You've probably realized by now that there are many ways to add real-time capabilities to Linux based systems. Certainly, one method is to throw hardware at the problem, by running faster processors or employing specialized hardware. For example, specialized peripheral controllers and digital signal processors (DSPs) can offload critical real-time tasks from the main system CPU. (more…)

Article: Installing Microwindows on the iPAQ

January 15, 2001

Foreword: This article is the third in a series on Exploring Linux PDA Software Alternatives by Jerry Epplin that explores the history, status, alternative architectures, and future developments of Linux on PDAs and handheld devices. In this installment, Epplin examines the use of Century Software's Microwindows and associated Linux software on a Compaq… (more…)