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Article: Prosa, EtLinux rise from the ashes

January 10, 2001

Foreword: the italicized text below comes from the introduction to a previous article about the launch of Ascensit, a new Italian Linux supplier that specializes in both enterprise and embedded Linux. (more…)

Linux 2.4 unmasked (including the embedded perspective)

January 7, 2001

What's up with Linux 2.4?

Most Linux users have heard by now of the release of version 2.4 of the kernel, an event sure to trigger a flood of new versions of all of the major Linux distributions. (more…)

Article: Wonderful World of Linux 2.4

January 5, 2001

Foreword: Joe Pranevich has written the definitive exposition about what's new in Linux kernel 2.4. This 7,000+ word document contains detailed descriptions and assessments of all substantial changes relative to kernel 2.2. Here is the document's introduction, plus a link to the entire work . . . (more…)

Article: Device Profile: G.Mate Yopy PDA

January 4, 2001

G.Mate Inc. describes the Yopy PDA as a “multimedia PDA based on the Linux OS and Yopy Windows” — a device which “focuses on organizing your life while emphasizing multimedia functionality.” The Yopy integrates the functions of Internet and email access (via mobile phone), digital voice recorder, MP3 (audio) and MPEG (video) player, video games, plus a full set of PDA applications — all within a compact… (more…)

ELJonline: January 2001 Table of Contents

January 2, 2001


ELJonline: Rapid Prototyping a Broadcast Radio Controller With Embedded Linux

January 1, 2001

Using embedded Linux, a broadcast radio network interface was designed and prototyped in a substantially reduced time frame compared to other methods. other methods. (more…)

ELJonline: Letters to the Editor (January, 2001)

January 1, 2001

Reader love letters… passing information . . . MZ104, we want one now! . . . errata/erratum/erratinator. (more…)

ELJonline: Introduction to Microwindows Programming

January 1, 2001

Haerr explains running graphical windowing environments with embedded Linux. (more…)

ELJonline: New Products (January, 2001)

January 1, 2001

Embedix SDK 1.2

Lineo's software development kit for embedded developers and device manufacturers is now available. (more…)

ELJonline: Experimenting with Jini on Linux

January 1, 2001

Jini developers promise a very different day-to-day life in the near future. (more…)

ELJonline: Embedding Linux on an MZ104

January 1, 2001

Mr. Dion gives a step-by-step on putting this tiny ticker to use. (more…)

ELJonline: Building Tiny Linux Systems with Busybox, Part 2 — Building the Kernel

January 1, 2001

Let Bruce help you put the BusyBox to work.

For this example I use Linux kernel version 2.2.17. The 2.4.0-test8 kernel that I tried did not size the RAM disk for the root file system properly, leading to a “not enough memory” message at boot time. (more…)

ELJonline: Using Linux to Control the Outside World

January 1, 2001

Developing real-time control applications using Linux. (more…)

ELJonline: Linux at the Arcetri Observatory Infrared Group

January 1, 2001

Astronomers and Physicists at the Galileo National Telescope use Linux and an elegant homegrown user interface to control sophisticated light and infrared telescopic imaging equipment. (more…)

ELJonline: Smaller than a Paperback

January 1, 2001

How to install, configure and run a complete Linux system on a tiny 486-class machine with no moving parts. (more…)