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Chinese Linux for iPAQ to be unveiled at Cebit

Mar 13, 2001 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Hanover, Germany — (press release excerpt) — Esfia today announced a Chinese Linux PDA solution for the Compaq iPAQ based on its RedBlue/Palmlike environment, which will be demonstrated at CeBit.

The Chinese Linux-based iPAQ solution includes: RedBlue embedded Linux operating system, RedBlue/Palmlike windows launcher, FLTK GUI application framework, PIM applications, power management, Internet access, an MP3 and MPEG player, picture viewer, fax, email, Chinese handwriting recognition, synchronization from IrDA and USB, ViewML web browser, games, and a file manager based on the RedBlue/Palmlike environment.

The distribution binary will first be available (for free) at Esfia's CeBit booth (Hall 013, Stand A16, 4C), and will become available for free public download (together with documentation) on Esfia's website in late April. Esfia will also demonstrate its SDK and desktop emulator at Cebit. Screen shots and a slide show are accessible here.

“We developed based upon an X compatible API,” said Esfia's CEO, Eric Lee. “Developers creating X11 applications can move them to our platform simply and efficiently using Esfia's SDK. This will be a huge advantage,” Lee added.

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