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CNET: Embedded Linux firm gains $20M investment

Apr 7, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views editor Stephen Shankland reports that Motorola and TurboLinux have invested $20 Million in Lynx Real-Time Systems . . .

“The two high-tech firms are expected to announce equity investments in the embedded operating system specialist on Monday. Last week, Intel revealed an investment in Lynx. All together, the funding round totals between $20 million and $30 million . . .”

“The San Jose, Calif.-based company will use the money in its effort to make its proprietary operating system, LynxOS, interchangeable with its version of Linux, called Blue Cat. That task will be done by the fourth quarter of 2000, Singh said.”

“Lynx is one of several companies pushing the open-source software into “embedded” devices such as routers, Internet appliances, telecommunications servers or other non-PC computing devices. Lineo, one of Lynx's chief competitors, also has received an investment from Motorola and has been acquiring embedded Linux companies at a furious pace.”

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