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Consortium releases beta of BioAPI Linux/Unix reference implementation

Jan 10, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 1 views

Gaithersburg, Md. — (PR excerpt) — The BioAPI Consortium today announced the release of the beta version of the BioAPI Linux/Unix version. The BioAPI Specification defines an open system standard application program interface (API) that allows software applications to communicate with a broad range of biometric technologies — which automatically identify or verify the identity of a person through… measurable physical or behavioral characteristics such as fingerprint, voice, or iris recognition — in a common way.

The BioAPI supports a wide range of biometric technologies, including fingerprint imaging, speaker verification, facial recognition, iris scanning, dynamic signature, and hand geometry. It is designed for use in a broad array of applications, extending from embedded devices (such as cell phones) to large-scale identification systems (such as national ID systems), as well as user authentication applications associated with computer and network access.

The Reference Implementation is the software instantiation of the BioAPI framework. As an “open systems” specification, the BioAPI is intended for use across a broad spectrum of computing environments to ensure cross-platform support.

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