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Consumer devices plugging into the Internet

Jul 6, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

“Soon, we all may be living a life much like George Jetson, who in his cartoon world could tell his oven what he wanted to eat and, poof, dinner was served,” writes eWEEK editor Matt Hicks. Hicks takes a look at the coming world of smart interconnected gadgets, and ponders the challenges of getting Web content from — and into — everyday consumer appliances. Hicks writes . . .

“Although he was surrounded by futuristic gizmos and contraptions, George had never heard of the Internet. But, in the real world, the Web is turning out to be the key to a wide range of new wired consumer devices that could reshape the way people live and work. In the near future, the Internet will be embedded in everyday environments, from home appliances and electronics to automobile and airplane entertainment systems.”

“And with all these new uses of the Net will come the need for e-businesses to rethink their strategies, experts say. Companies will no longer be able to concentrate only on developing e-commerce services that can be accessed exclusively from PCs or even wireless handheld devices. Increasingly, e-businesses are planning for delivering online content and services to users of a wide range of Web-enabled consumer devices.”

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