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Cross-platform driver dev kit supports Linux kernel 2.6

Mar 17, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Jungo has added support for Linux kernel 2.6 and other new features to its WinDriver cross-platform driver development kit. WinDriver lets programmers write user space drivers that are source compatible across a number of platforms, the company claims.

According to Jungo, WinDriver 6.20 provides enhanced performance for USB 2.0 isochronous devices, and improved multiple USB device handling. It supports all Windows platforms, the latest Linux kernel 2.6, and Solaris 8 and 9 on SPARC 64-bit and Intel x86 platforms. The new version also includes “virtual” PCI driver development, which offers the ability to develop a driver before the hardware is ready.

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