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Developing C/C++ applications with the KDevelop IDE [Linux Journal]

Mar 7, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In this online article from Linux Journal, Ralf Nolden explains how to develop applications with the KDevelop IDE. Nolden provides an overview that will enable you to create an application with the KDevelop Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on a Linux/UNIX system running KDE 2. A sample implementation is created that provides insight into the development framework and how it works. Nolden writes . . .

“The aim of this article is to enable you to create an application with the KDevelop Integrated Development Environment (IDE) on a Linux/UNIX system running KDE 2. We explain this process by creating a sample application that gives some insight into the development framework and how it works. This might require getting your development environment set up correctly, so that you can work efficiently when getting started with your very own application or extension for the KDE 2 Desktop.”

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