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Device profile: Ericsson’s Bluetooth “blip”

Mar 2, 2001 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

This device profile previews Ericsson's “blip” — a new uClinux-based gadget that brings localized wireless services to your Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone or PDA. Shopping and travel may soon be a lot more fun!

Ericsson Business Innovation has announced the “blip,” a small self-contained device that communicates wirelessly with mobile phones, PDAs, and other kinds of mobile devices that are equipped with Bluetooth short-range wireless technology. Ericsson's plan is for blips to start “popping up everywhere,” as a convenient means to deliver a wide variety of services to Bluetooth-enabled mobile devices.

Peter Lundin, director of the blip development project, envisions the gadget adding a whole new dimension to mobile communications. “By gearing communications to particular times and situations, we have created a platform for a range of new services,” says Lundin. “Within a few years, 'blipping' while on the move will be as common as home surfing is today.”

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