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DMOD offers OEMs secure digital distribution platform

Mar 4, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Boston, MA — (press release exerpt) — DMOD, Inc. today announced the DMOD DRM Platform, an end-to-end OEM solution that allows owners and distributors of proprietary digital assets to securely sell and distribute intellectual property across any network or device.

The DMOD DRM Platform includes DMOD's patented digital rights management (DRM) technology that uniquely secures both the distribution channel and all types of content including text, structured data, audio, video, and graphics. With security and piracy issues in the forefront of many industries today, the DMOD DRM Platform helps firms protect digital assets and increase the value of product offerings while also gaining competitive advantage through lowered development costs and reduced time to market.

OEMs can embed customized DRM capabilities into their own Mac, Windows, or Linux-based product offerings without requiring any special hardware or networks. The DMOD DRM Platform supports a broad range of business requirements, including content access restrictions, copy protection, and commerce models for software, gaming, DVDs, CDs, wireless services, or the public Internet. The DMOD DRM Platform includes a base module that delivers core secure distribution and rights management features, and optional modules for subscription-based digital content delivery and other pay-per-use or advertising based commerce models. The DMOD DRM Platform is available now and sold directly by DMOD.

. . . DMOD's patented solution uses a combined asymmetric (public/private) encryption system, and a symmetric 128-bit Rijndael key to protect data for each packet sent – further reducing the risk of third parties gaining access to transmitted data.

DMOD DRM Platform Components

Features a base module and two optional modules:

  • The DMOD DRM Platform Base Module delivers core secure distribution and rights management features, including real-time content protection, user-specific permissions, and object-based access control. A client software development kit (SDK) and a server tool kit are included.
  • The DMOD DRM Platform Subscription Module positions OEM customers for the next step in digital delivery – subscription-based business models featuring delivery of digital content–including high-quality audio and video–over the Internet. The DMOD Subscription module provides complete control over the distribution of digital content as well as the flexibility of supporting a variety of models including monthly, timed content, or even customizable subscription services.
  • The DMOD DRM Platform Commerce Module allows OEM customers to integrate DMOD's secure distribution technology into existing commerce solutions. By having access to customer records, DMOD can ensure that content is only distributed under the chosen commerce model, thereby ensuring proper compensation for assets. DMOD can support multiple commerce models including pay-per-download, pay-per-access/view, and advertising based models.
The platform supports single or multiple business and commerce models including pay-per-download, pay-per-access/view, and geographically and advertising-based models.

DMOD also provides professional services, such as software installation, customization, support and training, to help OEMs expedite implementation and deployment.

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