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Dr.Dobb’s: Why Embedded Linux?

Mar 11, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Dr.Dobb's Journal has published an article called “Why Embedded Linux?” (by Rick Lehrbaum of . . .

“Intelligent dedicated systems used in interface, monitoring, communications, and control applications increasingly demand the services of a sophisticated, state-of-the-art operating system. Additionally, the pace of hardware and chipset innovation continues to accelerate. These two trends present an enormous challenge for commercial RTOS vendors trying to keep up with the constant churning of hardware devices. Just trying to stay clear of the unrelenting steamroller of chipset obsolescence takes a large and constant commitment. If it's a struggle for the commercialRTOS vendors to keep up, going it alone by writing stand-alone code or a roll-your-own kernel certainly makes no sense . . .”

“Fortunately, a new and exciting alternative has emerged: open-source Linux. Linux offers powerful and sophisticated system management facilities, a rich cadre of device support, a superb reputation for reliability and robustness, and extensive documentation. Best of all, Linux is available at no charge — and with completely free source code . . .”

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