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eCos vs. uClinux: Which is best for your embedded target?

Mar 11, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — 4 views

Rob Wehrli compares eCos (Red Hat's “un-Linux” OS for devices and embedded systems) to uClinux (a version of Linux for MMU-less microprocessors), in terms of functionality, resource utilization, tools, and support, from a developer perspective. Wehrli writes . . .

“Do you need or want a freely available, royalty free embeddable operating system for your next project? Is support important to you? Is wide-spread developer experience important to you? Are you looking for something that you can productize or just use to become familiar with the embedded world? These and many more questions are typically asked by designers and business people interested in free software . . .”

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