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EE Times: Team takes different path to real-time Linux

Jul 6, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

EE Times editor Craig Matsumoto has written an informative article about real-time Linux pioneer Victor Yodaiken, his project (RTLinux), and his new company (FSMLabs). Matsumoto writes . . .

“As Linux has become trendy, so has the idea of adapting it to real-time environments. But Linux isn't inherently suited for real-time work, and that's led at least one company to pursue a different path to real-time.”

“Dubbed RTLinux, the OS doesn't try to change Linux into an RTOS, but instead provides a homemade RTOS kernel that incorporates Linux as a low-priority thread. Thus the RTOS stays as small and streamlined as possible — a principal goal of RTLinux's creators — while retaining Linux as the basis for common applications.”

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Related stories:
RTLinux V3.0 beta available for download
FSMLabs developing RTLinux for Compaq Alpha AXP
New RTLinux release (V2.2) extends POSIX compliance
FSMLabs & Synergy Microsystems unveil PowerPC RTLinux
RTLinux Version Two
The RTLinux Manifesto

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