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ELC Exec to address EMBLIX

Nov 11, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) executive director, Murry Shohat, is headed to Japan to brief the 50+ members of EMBLIX (Japan's consortium for embedded Linux) on the mission of the ELC. Shohat is reciprocating for the well-received presentation by EMBLIX Vice President John Cheuck at the ELC's Embedded Systems Conference Member Luncheon. The presentation takes place on November 16.

“I plan to ask EMBLIX members to join with ELC members to avoid forking and fragmentation,” said Shohat. “The destiny of Linux as the preferred OS for embedded applications will be realized sooner if we rationalize, standardize and interoperate on a global scale.”

The Japan-centric membership of EMBLIX includes key innovators in world markets for consumer, automotive and industrial devices. “I will also argue in favor of more Japanese companies directly joining the ELC's global mission, which now counts 116 members and more than 1800 direct-subscription e-mail destinations in 32 nations,” added Shohat.

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