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ELC launches Embedded Linux discussion lists

Nov 2, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

The Embedded Linux Consortium (ELC) has issued the following announcement . . .

Dear Members and Friends of the Embedded Linux Consortium:

Majordomo discussion lists are now available as our “marketplace of ideas.” We hope you will subscribe and participate.


elc-general is a voluntary list for public discussions by anyone. You must subscribe to be on the list. Use this list to ask basic questions, begin a debate or alert list members. To whet your appetite, join the list and comment on any of the following (or any other topic related to Linux):

  • The smallest footprint for embedded Linux cannot be less than 900K
  • I am brand new to Linux. How can I get started as a developer?
  • If I need deterministic performance, can I use Linux at all?
  • Fragmentation is good, not bad. Embrace it!

elc-members is a voluntary list is for CE, CA and NC members in good standing. You must subscribe to be on the list. Use this list to respond publicly to member-centric issues. Discussions of anything “ELC” are encouraged. Here are some issues worthy of discussion and debate right now:

  • The ELC's promotional opportunities overwhelm our current budget.
    • What should we do to raise more money?
    • Double the dues for CE and CA members
    • Increase to $xxK and $yyK respectively for CE and CA members
    • Create a Supermember or Platinum category and seek up to 10 members at $50K dues with special benefits, such as Board seats, Pavilion locations etc.
    • Limit the Supermember dues to $25K and keep the NC class very low cost or free
    • What is your “pain point” on dues at your company: $zz per year
  • What is a good definition for embedded Linux that the ELC can use to brand our mission?
  • Enter your own favorite topic, bitch, gripe or attaboy…
How to subscribe

Just visit this signup page and sign up now!

Murry Shohat, Executive Director
Embedded Linux Consortium
email: [email protected]
Voice: 707.576.0115 / FAX: 707.576.1944

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