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ELEC: The Embedded Debian Project

Nov 2, 1997 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Talk abstract: Debian GNU/Linux is a natural choice as the basis for embedded Linux, due to its open development process, reliability and security, powerful package manager, and wide range of supported architectures. The Embedded Debian Project intends to create a Debian-based Embedded Linux that is scalable, supports a wide range of platforms, integrates embedded Linux related software from a… variety of sources, and keeps up with the latest Linux technologies. This presentation provided an overview of Debian GNU/Linux and its development tools, introduced and discussed the Embedded Debian Project, and walked through the process of obtaining and using the Embedded Debian Cross Development Environment.

Speaker bio: Frank Smith is a Principal Software Designer for Embedded Linux Products at AMIRIX Systems Inc., and holds a Master's degree in Computer Science. His introduction to the open source world came while developing the GNU-based programming environment for the Canadian Navy's new signal processing architecture. He became intimately familiar with the GNU compiler toolchain, and is now an open source jack-of-all-trades and a strong proponent of open source solutions. As a member of AMIRIX's embedded Linux team, Frank has been involved with its activities from the start, and has helped establish the Embedded Debian Project. He is also a rabid Simpsons fan.

Talk slides: here

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