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ELEC: The IBM Linux Wrist Watch Project

Nov 2, 1997 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Talk abstract: IBM researchers are successfully running Linux and X11 on a unique wrist watch, demonstrating the viability of Linux across all platforms — from large supercomputer clusters to the smallest intelligent devices. In this keynote presentation, Alex Morrow discussed IBM's far-reaching Linux activities and talked in detail about (and demonstrated on videotape) the incredible IBM Linux… Wrist Watch. Designed to communicate wirelessly with PCs, cell phones, and other wireless devices, the “smart watch” receives email messages as well as providing users with time, calendar, address book, and to-do list functions. The watch contains a powerful CPU along with 8MB flash memory and 8MB of DRAM. Users interact with the device through both touch and a roller wheel. The watch also has both IR and RF wireless connectivity.

Speaker bio: Alex Morrow holds the prestigious position of “IBM Fellow” at IBM's TJ Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York. Morrow is the project leader of the IBM Linux Wrist Watch project.

Talk slides: Unfortunately, Mr. Morrow is not permitted by IBM to make his presentation available to us online. However, here is some interesting information about IBM's Linux Wrist Watch project . . .

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