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Embedded Linux based 802.11b WLAN SDK expands options

May 3, 2002 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Melbourne, FL — (press release excerpt) — AbsoluteValue Systems announced today the release of its latest update to the AVS Wireless LAN Developers Kit. The version 1.3 update expands the number of hardware options supported. The kit now supports all of the Intersil PRISM technology such as PRISM2, PRISM 2.5, and PRISM3, as well as PCMCIA, PCI, mini-PCI, and USB host interfaces. The kit is a complete implementation of an 11Mbps IEEE802.11b wireless LAN system offered with tools and source code to allow easy customization. The major components of the kit include a target single board computer, 802.11b (11Mbps) WLAN cards based on Intersil's PRISM2 and PRISM2.5 chipsets, Software Development Toolset, Embedded Linux Operating System, wireless drivers and utilities, full source code, and documentation.

PRISM2.5 and PRISM3 are the latest WLAN chipset technologies from Intersil, the leading WLAN chipset supplier. Higher integration and lower cost make these attractive to WLAN system developers. Updating the AVS WLAN Developer's Kit to support PRISM2.5 and PRISM3 provides developers with the flexibility to choose from either PRISM2, PRISM2.5, or PRISM3 adapter cards.

The kit can accept any PRISM2, PRISM2.5 or PRISM3 radio card. Included with the kit are two PRISM2 cards and two PRISM2.5 cards allowing either to be used for development.

Additional features of the Version 1.3 release include: driver support for Ad Hoc peer-to-peer networking, inclusion of an enhanced web-based management solution, a new Ethernet Station mode for connecting Ethernet devices to a wireless LAN, and support for PCI, mini-PCI, and USB adapters.

The AVS WLAN Developer's Kit is a technology platform allowing rapid development of WLAN system products such as access points and wireless bridges. It consists of a hardware platform, software development tools, and complete software source code for the implementation of a Linux-based IEEE802.11b 11Mbps access point, bridge or specialized client. The kit has been shipping to many satisfied customers since it's first release in June 2000. The AVS WLAN Developer's Kit allows the setup of a fully functional Wireless LAN system within minutes of opening the box. It provides a complete hardware and software development solution that shaves off many months from a development schedule.

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