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Embedded Linux gets Digital Rights Management support

Jan 9, 2003 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Las Vegas; CES — Macrovision has ported its MacroSafe secure media Digital Rights Management (DRM) solution to MontaVista Linux and is in the process of porting it to newly launched MontaVista Linux Consumer Electronics Edition,… according to a statement issued by the two companies today.

MacroSafe is described as a multi-layered software solution for the secure distribution and management of video, audio, graphics, and other multimedia applications, to a variety of non-PC devices including set-top boxes, PDAs, portable entertainment devices, and digital consumer electronics appliances, in addition to traditional PCs. Additionally, because MacroSafe is based on industry standard, non-proprietary programming languages, interfaces and protocols, it can be quickly and cost-effectively integrated into embedded devices, consumer electronic set-tops, and into an existing e-commerce and delivery system.

“DRM enablement and embedded Linux devices both are becoming increasingly important for the content and technology communities,” said Carol Flaherty, senior vice president of Macrovision's Video Technology Division.

Market research firm Venture Development Corporation (VDC) recently concluded that consumer electronics is the fastest growing market segment for Linux with an annual growth rate of 49% and projected to reach $149.6 million in shipments by 2006. The report estimated that consumer electronics will be the largest segment of the embedded Linux market by 2006, with over 40% market share.

Macrovision will be demonstrating its MacroSafe DRM for Linux-based set-top applications this week during CES 2003 in Las Vegas.

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