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EMJ forms a new embedded Linux software company

Apr 4, 2000 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

GUELPH, Ontario, Canada — (BUSINESS WIRE) — EMJ Data Systems Ltd. today announces the establishment of white dwarf Inc. as an independent company from its embedded division. The spin off will allow white dwarf to receive independent financing.

Jim Estill, President of EMJ Data Systems, says the new company is being positioned to heighten awareness and drive revenues for white dwarf linux. “We believe that with a separate identity, white dwarf can receive the focus it deserves and will rapidly move forward in the embedded Linux area. As part of EMJ, we believe it has not received fair valuation and is not fairly reflected in EMJ's stock price. Because our intention is for white dwarf Inc. to be independent, EMJ will be selling part of the newly-formed company to interested investors.”

About white dwarf linux

Earlier this year, EMJ Embedded Systems introduced white dwarf linux version 1.0, which is named for a White Dwarf Star, a small but extremely dense star. Like the star category, white dwarf linux is small and compact for loading on the world's smallest PCs. EMJ researchers pioneered white dwarf linux by shrinking the operating system from approximately 90 to 100 megabytes in size to less than 10 megabytes while retaining all the features embedded applications demand, including a fully graphical package-based installer, which allows developers to choose the exact features they need for their applications.

About EMJ Data Systems Ltd.

EMJ Data Systems Ltd., headquartered in Guelph, Ontario, is a Canadian, publicly-owned distributor of computer products and peripherals. EMJ specializes in high-performance products for Apple, Digital Audio/Video, Internetworking, Point-of-Sale RAID and Unix applications. EMJ Data Systems Ltd. has branch offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Markham, Montreal and Halifax, and Apex, North Carolina.

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