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ESC debate: Open vs. Proprietary Software

Mar 11, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

In recognition of the burgeoning role of Linux and open-source software in embedded system development, the recent Embedded Systems Conference (Chicago, IL; March, 2000) opened with a panel discussion on: “The Open Source Phenomenon: Is the Embedded Systems Business Ready for it?”

The panelists were:

  • Michael Tiemann — Chief Technology Officer, Red Hat Software
  • Jim Ready — Founder and CEO, Montavista Software
  • Jean Labrosse — Senior Technical Staff, Dynalco Controls, author
  • Bill Gatliff — freelance embedded developer
  • John Fogelin — VP Technology, Wind River Systems
  • Don Chouinard — Windows CE Product Manager, Microsoft
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