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Fiddler interview triggers “hot” discussion

Mar 9, 2000 — by Rick Lehrbaum — from the LinuxDevices Archive — views

Check out the talkbacks at, generated by the interview with Wind River chairman Jerry Fiddler . . .

Nathan Myers – Subject: Lies and Damned Lies (Mar 9, 2000, 03:29) (Reply) “Jerry Fiddler is either very ignorant about Linux, or very dishonest. He said, 'Microsoft created an OS that only runs on ONE platform [that] made the current popularity of Linux possible, because essentially all the efforts to support Linux been focused on a single hardware configuration.' Of course ports to Alpha, PPC, ARM, MIPS, SPARC don't really exist . . . I'm deeply disappointed in for aiding Fiddler in his FUD campaign.”

Dylan Kelly – Subject: Re: Lies and Damned Lies (Mar 9, 2000, 06:27) (Reply) “Compare the volumes of X86 machines to the platforms you mention. For that matter, just take a look at Linus's original intent: UNIX-like OS for X86. I'd say that Fiddler makes a plausible argument.”

Dean Pannell (a.k.a. dinotrac) – Subject: Let's unjerk those knees and a nod to SteveOC (Mar 9, 2000, 13:58) (Reply) “I think Fiddler was dead on, but didn't go nearly far enough. He also failed to spread a little credit where credit was due.”

* Read talkbacks *

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