Five from IBM — GNU text tools, Linux basics, PPC optimization, Python . . .
Jul 16, 2004 — by LinuxDevices Staff — from the LinuxDevices Archive — viewsIBM has published the following technical articles, tutorials, and downloads on its developerWorks Website. They cover a range of interesting (though not necessarily embedded) technical topics. Some require free registration. Enjoy . . .
- Using the GNU text utilities — Here's a helpful tutorial that shows you how to use the GNU text utilities collection to process log files, documentation, structured text databases, and other textual sources of data or content. The utilities in this collection have proven their usefulness over decades of refinement by UNIX/Linux developers, and should be your first go-to choice for general text processing tasks. This tutorial is written for Linux/UNIX programmers and system administrators, at a beginning to intermediate level.
- LPI certification 101: Linux fundamentals — This tutorial begins preparing you to take the Linux Professional Institute's Exam 101 Release 2. In this first in a series of four tutorials on the 101 exam, the author introduces you to bash (the standard Linux shell), shows you how to take full advantage of standard Linux commands such as ls, cp, and mv, explains Linux's permission and ownership model, and much more. By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid grounding in Linux fundamentals and will be ready to begin learning some basic Linux system administration tasks.
- Post-Link Optimization for Linux on POWER — Post-Linked Optimization for Linux on POWER is a performance-tuning utility used to improve the execution time and the real memory utilization of user-level application programs, based on their run-time profiles.
- Python development with Eclipse and Ant — Python is a flexible and powerful dynamic scripting language with full object-oriented features. Its many proponents say that the Python language allows them to express their intentions more directly and efficiently than other languages. But newcomers to Python from the Java technology(tm) or Microsoft® .NET world may find themselves missing their feature-rich and polished IDEs and development tools. Those developers can look to familiar Java tools for a solution.
- Information Grid: Use Blueprints and Layers — Planning the information infrastructure for a grid is easier if you use a blueprint. After discussing the virtualization layers (data, file system, and storage), this article provides you with a blueprint for using each one.
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